Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Large November update on 11/15/2012
Because of the hurricane, "Sandy", which currently holds the U.S. East Coast in suspense, fear, some interested players, the rest of the Halloween events in Guild Wars to miss the second When asked whether this could not extend, Martin Kerstein said now, this it is not possible unfortunately. The reason, however, was a more exciting: You prepare yourself for the big November update, which was scheduled for 11/15/2012!
On 11/15/2012 at Guild Wars 2 is to the big November update catchment hold. Even before there is new content that would lead to the event. Specific details about the contents did not reveal Kerstein, players recalled, however, that the personal safety is more important than any computer gw2 gold game. Who might be affected by the storm should, listen to the authorities and take the necessary precautions.
A few days ago already rumors made about the contents of the November updates the round, which appeared on the Facebook page of the Greek GW2 distributor. The speech is to inter alia of a new island and a 3-day event. Officially confirmed this information were not previously, so they should be treated with caution. We'll of course keep in touch as soon as there are more news!
We heard your questions about Extending the Halloween event for those of you affected by Sandy. Unfortunately we can not do that, but the reason why we can not is exciting: We are preparing for our big November update, whichwill start on November 15, and there will be content that will be in the buy guild wars 2 gold game prior to that, leading up to the event. But we so want to use this moment to remind you all that your personal safety is much more important than any computer game. If you could be affected by the storm, please listen to the authorities and take every precaution to Ensure you and your loved ones are safe. Tyria will quietly be there once the storm is over.
Monday, October 29, 2012
New Server Transfer Restrictions From Nov 1st
Martin Kerstien has just posted on the official forum about server transfers
"Due to community concerns about the effect of free transfers on world versus world, starting on November 1 we are going to change how often players are allowed to transfer worlds. After the update,gw2 gold players will be able to transfer worlds once every 7 days instead of once every 24 hours. We are also actively working on getting the guesting functionality in place. Thank you for your understanding."
People have been doing this you could Transfer and it has been discussed to death on multiple forums. It isn't anything "difficult" to figure out when you have a PICTURE posted of a "team mate" using ALL the supply to build - get this - RAMS inside a base! - yeah I wonder if that guild tag he had which is from the opposing server was any sort of....clue.
Get this, developers are normally... you guessed it, developing. Most of them aren't always playing the game first hand. They work long hours, they have a very, very small group of people who moderate the forums and have to prioritize player comments and then spread the news to the development team in scheduled meetings. But of course, you know all about this. Asking them to take care of things the second a problem becomes apparently to gw2 gold players (who mind you, there are millions of, playing every single day) is like asking congress to come up with a proposed plan to cut spending.
But they clearly DON'T have it in place. You clearly do not know what this Questing system is about.
It is the ability to join a friends sever at anytime, to do PvE.
You will still have your own homeserver and will only be able to play WvW on that server.
If they have this in place, why can't we do just that?
Thursday, October 25, 2012
GW2: Items from Black Lion chests soon converted into Halloween items?
As Community Manager Regina Buenaobra the official forum of Guild Wars 2, said one should not throw away the items from the Black Lion chests or sell. The developers are considering the introduction of an option to convert objects from the black lion chests with Halloween items.
Slowly accumulate the displeasure and discomfort of many players on the items found in black lion chests. , As many players to who have already opened several boxes, can be found there anything that has to do with the Halloween event. Well, the developers of AreaNet react to the problem and find a satisfactory solution.
Accordingly, it is recommended to discard any of the articles from the Black Lion chests or sell. As the Community Manager Regina Buenaobra revealed they were working on a solution that will allow gw2 gold players to convert these objects in Halloween items.
Exactly when this facility is built into the game is, unfortunately, not yet been determined. We keep you up to date but of course as soon as there is more news. The original post by Regina Buenaobra you can read on the official forum of the gw2 gold game. Learn more about the Black Lion on Halloween chests you find in the patch notes of the Halloween update!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
A mobile authenticator beta test for Guild Wars 2
If Guild Wars 2 is the prey of pirates and robbers accounts since its launch, ArenaNet is currently testing a mobile authenticator to better secure the connection to his gw2 gold game account.
This can be seen since the launch of the MMORPG late August, Guild Wars 2 is prey to hackers and other thieves accounts. Since then, the studio ArenaNet reminded regularly basic advice caution (do not use the same usernames and passwords on several different platforms, for example), but now goes to the next level and offers a mobile application free distributed on iOS Android and Windows Phone, to enhance the security of accounts MMO.
For buy Guild Wars 2 gold players wishing to secure better access to their gaming account, the installation of the mobile authenticator, currently in beta testing ("only use so for now at his own risk" dixit Mike Lewis , the head of security at ArenaNet), is detailed on the official forums , step by step. The opportunity undoubtedly enhance the security of their account and incidentally, to report any bugs or malfunctions to the developer.
Lone Wolf to thank you for sharing this info on our gw2gold.net!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Hackers create mass death in World of Warcraft
In Azeroth, the fantasy world of online role-playing wow gold game World of Warcraft, it came yesterday to a real massacre. Hackers were able to kill a security hole characters from the RPG, in a short time were whole towns empty. Blizzard claims to have solved the gap now.
Unknown hacker ensured yesterday afternoon for a mass mortality in the fantasy world of Azeroth online role-playing wow gold game World of Warcraft. Through a security hole they could kill many characters from the game. In a short time while whole towns were wiped out. It largely American realms were affected, but also in Germany could easily watch the unusual spectacle.
Meanwhile, Blizzard wants to have closed the security hole for a hotfix already. Serious damage is not apparent. Known only from the mass extinction is known to have in World of Warcraft, of course have a negligible impact, and can be fixed quickly. The hackers apparently took advantage of the vulnerability that is only good for a laugh.
World of Warcraft developer Blizzard got away so well with a black eye. It is unclear whether hackers could exploit the vulnerability with malicious intent can be dangerous purposes. Maybe the hackers wanted to do with the spectacular mass deaths in World of Warcraft merely drew attention to the vulnerability.
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