Thursday, October 25, 2012

GW2: Items from Black Lion chests soon converted into Halloween items?

As Community Manager Regina Buenaobra the official forum of Guild Wars 2, said one should not throw away the items from the Black Lion chests or sell. The developers are considering the introduction of an option to convert objects from the black lion chests with Halloween items.

Slowly accumulate the displeasure and discomfort of many players on the items found in black lion chests. , As many players to who have already opened several boxes, can be found there anything that has to do with the Halloween event. Well, the developers of AreaNet react to the problem and find a satisfactory solution.

Accordingly, it is recommended to discard any of the articles from the Black Lion chests or sell. As the Community Manager Regina Buenaobra revealed they were working on a solution that will allow gw2 gold players to convert these objects in Halloween items.

Exactly when this facility is built into the game is, unfortunately, not yet been determined. We keep you up to date but of course as soon as there is more news. The original post by Regina Buenaobra you can read on the official forum of the gw2 gold game. Learn more about the Black Lion on Halloween chests you find in the patch notes of the Halloween update!

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