Monday, November 26, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition and Gem Store Item at discounted prices

On the occasion of Black Friday.

NCSOFT and ArenaNet Announce of missed deals for Guild Wars 2 on the occasion of Black Friday.

19:00 today, Friday, November 23, 2012, the Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition will be available at a cost of Digital Edition for only three days - Priced at € 54.99 instead of € 74.99.

Buying the special digital version you will get the following items FREE of play:

• Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill - This powerful ability allows you to summon a deadly Mistfire Wolf, ghostly animal with unique powers.

• Miniature Rytlock - This little creature is not high even as the knees of your character, but all in the spirit and ferocity of the charr.

• Chalice of Glory - This cup gives your character Gloria, which can be used to unlock rewards PvP (single use).

• Tome of Influence - Increase the influence of your guild with this holy book (single use).

• Golem Banker - Allows you to access your storage account from anywhere for five days.

In addition, in each of these three days, three different items in the game will be discounted up to 70% in Gem Store (the sale of each will last only 24 hours, unfortunately).
Sales close to 21 hours of Monday, November 26, 2012.

Tags: gw2 gold ; buy guild wars 2 gold

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Post-mortem?

Brian Green gives his first impressions of ArenaNet's title as a game developer

There's been no shortage of commentary on Guild Wars 2. Since its release in Augest, the good, bad and ugly have come from all angles. As a matter of fact, our very own Gazimoff recently posted his impressions of The Lost Shores event weekend. But rarely if ever has a professional gw2 gold game developer chimed in with his thoughts - until today.

Brian Green, more affectionately known as Psycholchild, is a long-time game developer, author and speaker, perhaps most notable for working on one of the earliest MMORPGs, Meridian 59. Green took to his blog today to render some of his first impressions after receiving Guild Wars 2 as a gift.

For the most part, Green states that he is having fun, and breaks down his commentary into two general categories; the good and the bad.

The Good

Art Style & World Design
Jumping Puzzles
Non-combat Elements
Social Elements
Jumping puzzles rated high on Green's list, even with acknowledging the awkward and unfogivig platforming mechanics as presented in an MMO engine:

"Of course, there are a few frustrations, even though I enjoy these puzzles. Combat slows you down, making it harder to make the jumps; therefore, it's extra infuriating if you get stuck in combat for some reason as some monster is still trying to track you from half the area away. Also, invisible walls and deceptive jumps feel more like "gotchas" than legitimate puzzles sometimes. It really sucks to line up a jump only to run into a wall, or to break down and look up a walkthrough only to find out that the jump you could have taken was right in front of you."

Of course, Green also had to present the other side of the coin.

The Bad

Achiever Over-Focus
Character Abilities
Green is a big proponent of story in MMOs, and in fact is one of the developers behind Storybricks. He's not a fan of stories that are spoon-fed, and that don't really belong to the player. He felt this was one of the major flaws of Guild Wars 2 as well, feeling no connection to his characters:

"Ultimately, these aren't my stories. This is the story that unfolds while I'm around. The words coming out of my character's mouth aren't mine, but what has been pre-scripted and pre-recorded. I want my own stories. I've had my own stories in other buy guild wars 2 gold games, but having a cutscene-based story diminishes the importance of the stories I want to experience."

For the most part, Green's lists match my own. I am in love with the world that ArenaNet has created, and wish there was a way to spend more time there without the constant go-go combat. I also tend to agree with the negatives, finding the character classes and abilities very mundane and limited, especially when combined with the condition system and its random elements. There really doesn't seem to be any depth to character progression, which is one of the gaps ArenaNet stated they wish to fill with the recently introduced Ascended tier of gear.

There is much more that Green has to say on the topic over on his blog. Well worth a read if you're a Guild Wars 2 fan and just enjoy a good sparring match once in a while!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Guild Wars 2: weekend specials in the gem shop

Of 23 until 25 November there is in the gem shop in Guild Wars 2 to dust off a lot of discounts. From Friday to Sunday every day there are discounts of up to 70% on each of three selected objects.

In Guild Wars 2 begins the holiday shopping season. Throughout the weekend is the Black Lion Trading Company out big discounts. From Friday to Sunday, there will be three items every day with discounts of up to 70% in the Gem Shop. Among the selection are every day for three of the most popular items that the gem shop has to offer. To see that there are three items on Friday, Saturday or Sunday are available at the appropriate time you log into the gw2 gold game and opens the trading post (default key "O").

The special offers, see the "Black Friday action" instead, which does not mean such a misfortune, but in the United States initiates the start of the Christmas season. Matching the end of Thanksgiving begins a long weekend, where there's not only in buy Guild Wars 2 gold great discounts. For more information about the game can be found on our topic page for Guild Wars 2 and at our partner site Wartower.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Character Creation

One of the new features of Guild Wars 2 is the choice-based questing system, in which many of the beginning quests are determined by choices that you make during character creation. There are five races to choose from:

The diminuative and headstrong Asuran arcane scientists
The noble Sylvari, who awaken to life already knowledgeable from their dreams
The resilient Humans, staunch defenders of Kryta
The pragmatic and tough Norn, who hail from the frozen wastes of the north
The conquering Charr, fierce and unwavering

Guild Wars 2 launched with eight primary professions (think classes, if you play other MMOs). In the current version of the game, there is no method available to change your primary profession as you could in Guild Wars 1, but this may change in the future. The currently available professions are:

Elementalists command the elements to bring down destruction upon their foes. This role is nearly that of a "glass cannon" - think extremely high DPS with minimal defensibility.

Engineers tinker with explosives, mechanical goodies and elixirs, using these and other tools to bring their enemies to their knees. Engineers cover many roles, including DPS, buffs and debuffs.

Guardians are the protectors of Guild Wars 2. They are specialized fighters that use their abilities to shield others from harm, while drawing upon the powers of their chosen deities. This is considered to be mostly a tank role.

Mesmers are reintroduced in Guild Wars 2 in much the same role as they had in the previous installment. They are considered to be the masters of illusion, using their magic to blind and confuse their enemies. The role that they play is greatly that of debuffing, with moderate DPS.

Necromancers are adepts of the black arts, raising the dead and stealing the very lifeforce of those that choose to stand against them. They command the powers of life and death, even being able to revive those that have died around them, pressing them into service. This profession is much like that of a summoner, with moderate DPS and debuffing abilities.

Rangers are the masters of ranged damage within buy Guild Wars 2 gold. Unmatched in archery, they have the ability to fell enemies from a distance, frequently preventing them from ever reaching the ranger. This is a classic ranged DPS role with moderate survivability.

Thieves in Guild Wars 2 are the classic embodiment of the assassin. Clinging to the shadows, they're typically undetected until they've delivered their deadly strikes. Owing to incredibly agile moves, they're nearly impossible to hit. This is the perfect role for those stabbity types that prefer to remain unseen.

Warriors are the all around fighting character. Wielding nearly any weapon and wearing the heaviest of armors, these extremely versatile characters deal out loads of damage. They make incredibly flexible characters with the ability to tank, deal out damage or even place debuffs on their enemies.

The character customization page offers many options to tailor your character, including many details that most other games lack. The level of detail that you can change will insure that you can define your very own, unique look. The dye system from Guild Wars 1 was implemented as well, allowing you to unlock new colors as you find them.

As you progress further in creating your character, you're eventually asked a series of questions which will dramatically modify the quests that you're given in the beginning. Using this system, it's possible to make two characters of the same race and class, yet have a totally different experience. It's also important to note that if you want to group with friends during the early levels, it'll be necessary to make the same choices -- otherwise, you'll be doing different quests.

After you've finished making your character's life choices, you're given a summary screen that offers a rather cunning way to choose your name. You are asked to sign your chosen name to a document that lists your choices. As soon as you click next, you're whisked into a cinematic and your first quest.

All in all, ArenaNet has made character creation a process that allows you to customize your character and the major questline that you'll be completing. The possibility of replaying the gw2 gold game with a totally new experience is one that will bring this reviewer back to play many times over.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Guide shore lost: quests and jumping puzzle

Our partners roster Guild Wars 2 Online For Fun-origin went to explore the unique event in November, the bank lost.

For the first phase, it is not less than two guides are available: an article on quests Phase I lost shore event and a video on the jumping puzzle Ricochets.

Not bad for a first fish, right? We will be sure to share with you the cover of phases II and III, so stay tuned!

These guides have been useful? Do not hesitate to send us your own feedback!

Tags: gw2 gold; buy guild wars 2 gold

Friday, November 16, 2012

Guild Wars 2: the "Ascended" items really perform to an Item spiral?

Community Manager Ramon Domke from ArenaNet will be on the official forums of Guild Wars 2 the time to respond to the concerns of the players with respect to an item spiral. He points out that the later introduction of items that may turn out a little stronger, must not necessarily lead to a classic item spiral.

Since then, the developers of Guild Wars have announced 2, with the November update of new items of quality stage "Ascended" introduce, argues the fans of the online role-playing gw2 gold game about why now is a progression must be brought into play. On the official forums, the German Community Manager Ramon Domke has responded to a few questions and statements. So do not say 100 percent, according to the Ascended items not eventually get some better items. However, he does not believe that these items are already used for a so-called item-spiral: "Although as in Guild Wars 1 never Substantial changes were made, so are still with green objects (in later chapters) weapon combinations become possible to Prophecies have been too time not in the form would be accessible (15-power rod as an example) - and yet it is not really an item spiral, "said Ramon.

Principle is important as progression is defined in Guild Wars 2, which is not. An animal of new items to be introduced Instead, there is the November update just the state of the "torment" in the dungeon of the fractal time for the Ascended equipment are helpful. "The Dungeon has no end, it is however more difficult through the agony we present to you in this dungeon a hurdle that you either skillful play or the right equipment -. Or later with both -. Must overcome in order to further advance the whole dungeon is designed for you to have something where you can see as a rehearsed group "how far you make it." - but the goal will be "to complete the dungeon," said Ramon's character-progress idea from other MMORPGs like WoW can not even 1 to 1 to Guild Wars 2 apply. For a further discussion item spiral and Ascended items you read in Ramon's post in the forum for buy Guild Wars 2 gold.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Lost Coast: Details for November update

On 16 November bring NCSOFT and ArenaNet released a new update for Guild Wars 2, which is titled The Lost Coast and brings some new features with it. The update is rung simultaneously with a unique, multi-phase event, which is to Tyria shape permanently.

Already on Friday comes the next update.
How ArenaNet emphasized the mini-extension offer "an unprecedented amount" of new areas, challenges and goals. There will be about a "mysterious region", which is available to gw2 gold players of all levels.

Likewise present is a new dungeon, a new PvP map (located in a dojo of Kodan), craft updates including new biodegradable resources and 200 new recipes as well as new equipment, the category of additional weapon skins on item enhancements up to a further enough to objects between the degrees Exotic and Legendary.

In addition, players who bought Guild Wars 2, now invite up to three friends, the 15th between the and 19 November may play for free.

Furthermore, its update, a "play as guest" in Guild Wars 2, so you can explore Tyria with a friend on a different server with no Heimaltwelttransfer.

The event schedule for the Lost Coast:

Thursday 15th, November, 18:00 CET (17:00 GMT): Start the game free trial, update build is released.

Friday 16th, November, 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT): Start Event The Lost Coast
Sunday 18th, November, 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT): Start the event last phase
Monday 19 November, 07:00 CET (06:00 GMT): the end of the event and the free game trial.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Guild Wars 2 - Invite friends over for free games

The developer starts on 12 November 2012 an action, during which the players of Guild Wars 2 can invite their friends for a free trial game. This is dated 15 to 18 October possible.

Shortly before the start of the event "The Lost Coast" provides the developer to a special event for players of Guild Wars 2. From the 12th November 2012 You can invite up to three friends to get a taste let free for a few days in the online role-playing gw2 gold game.

In the period from 15 to 18 November can then invited friends explore the world of Guild Wars 2 in peace and without obligations. To participate in this promotion, you must have a playable Account of Guild Wars, the sixth before you Created November (08:59 Central European Time Clock).

Further details about this "Invite a Friend" campaign wants announce in the coming days. Once the information is available, you will find this course immediately on

The online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 set to 250 years after the first parts. The world of Tyria has changed, Charr and more people do not make war against each other. Instead, they fight together with the other three nations (sylvari, asura, norn) against Urdrachen. In Guild Wars 2 we will not be able to play only the people but also the other major races of Tyria. In addition to a personal story to us umpteen dynamic events leading to maximum level 80

Tags: gw2 gold;buy guild wars 2 gold

Friday, November 2, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Daily News: Mysteries And Monstrosities Abound In “The Lost Shores” Update

After our Halloween escapades with the Mad King Thorn this October, we will spend the next month in a wet and wild expedition in The Sea of Sorrows. ArenaNet teases us with this short scenario describing The Lost Shores update:

“Something stirs in the Sea of Sorrows… Unravel a mystery of monstrous proportions in The Lost Shores, a massive one-time world event that will change Tyria forever!”

That’s not much to go on with, but we expect ArenaNet to always make good on its promises. So when it says “mystery of monstrous proportions” we’ll be expecting a Loch Ness-type boss that will drown out our screens. The gw2 gold developers also released a trio of teaser screens which showcase the environments that will serve as the backdrop for the November event.