Monday, November 26, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition and Gem Store Item at discounted prices

On the occasion of Black Friday.

NCSOFT and ArenaNet Announce of missed deals for Guild Wars 2 on the occasion of Black Friday.

19:00 today, Friday, November 23, 2012, the Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition will be available at a cost of Digital Edition for only three days - Priced at € 54.99 instead of € 74.99.

Buying the special digital version you will get the following items FREE of play:

• Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill - This powerful ability allows you to summon a deadly Mistfire Wolf, ghostly animal with unique powers.

• Miniature Rytlock - This little creature is not high even as the knees of your character, but all in the spirit and ferocity of the charr.

• Chalice of Glory - This cup gives your character Gloria, which can be used to unlock rewards PvP (single use).

• Tome of Influence - Increase the influence of your guild with this holy book (single use).

• Golem Banker - Allows you to access your storage account from anywhere for five days.

In addition, in each of these three days, three different items in the game will be discounted up to 70% in Gem Store (the sale of each will last only 24 hours, unfortunately).
Sales close to 21 hours of Monday, November 26, 2012.

Tags: gw2 gold ; buy guild wars 2 gold

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