Thursday, November 8, 2012

Guild Wars 2 - Invite friends over for free games

The developer starts on 12 November 2012 an action, during which the players of Guild Wars 2 can invite their friends for a free trial game. This is dated 15 to 18 October possible.

Shortly before the start of the event "The Lost Coast" provides the developer to a special event for players of Guild Wars 2. From the 12th November 2012 You can invite up to three friends to get a taste let free for a few days in the online role-playing gw2 gold game.

In the period from 15 to 18 November can then invited friends explore the world of Guild Wars 2 in peace and without obligations. To participate in this promotion, you must have a playable Account of Guild Wars, the sixth before you Created November (08:59 Central European Time Clock).

Further details about this "Invite a Friend" campaign wants announce in the coming days. Once the information is available, you will find this course immediately on

The online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 set to 250 years after the first parts. The world of Tyria has changed, Charr and more people do not make war against each other. Instead, they fight together with the other three nations (sylvari, asura, norn) against Urdrachen. In Guild Wars 2 we will not be able to play only the people but also the other major races of Tyria. In addition to a personal story to us umpteen dynamic events leading to maximum level 80

Tags: gw2 gold;buy guild wars 2 gold

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