Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Wintersday Merry Christmas Edition

Merry Christmas to all!

What did Tixx give you for Wintersday? Have you enjoyed this holiday event was it more kind to you than LS? I think the mode was completely better overall. Not so much complaining well the collectors are. Yet Meh to that go grind a few gw2 gold for gems lol....It is not difficult and boom get whatever dilemma remedied

The mini games nonetheless keep me entertained specifically the sound chior game. I stayed up 2 nights ago raging trying to get perfects lol....To me the rewards might be a tiny better though most certainly does not suck. The dungeon however repetitive even on the last day makes me laugh. For the reason that I love stomping and crushing all those buildings. So yay or nay did wintersday make you glad or sad?

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