Sunday, December 9, 2012

Guild Wars 2: WvW Rankings for December 7th & New Culling Trial Introduced

Not only do we have the latest WvW world rankings for you today, but we also have some news about a culling trial that ArenaNet is introducing to WvW. Basically, what this means is that the system will now put your allies and enemies into two separate groups when determining what players you can and cannot see. This should reduce the amount of invisible enemies on your screen because they are lowering the maximum amount of allies you can see at one time.


For the matchup starting on December 7th we’ll be testing out a new culling methodology. This is an interim change to the system which is intended improve player experience while we work on a more comprehensive solution. Under this new, interim system we handle culling of allies and enemies separately which should cut down on the instances of running into a group of completely invisible enemies. This is accomplished at the cost of having a lower maximum on the number of allies that players can see.

Again, this is an interim solution while we work on a longer term change. We’ll be trying out the new system for the duration of the matchup starting on December 7th and then evaluating whether we want to keep it in place until our more comprehensive solution is in place or roll back to the existing behavior. Toward that end we’re very interested in your feedback about the experience of playing with the interim system.


All gw2 gold players are eligible for boons, etc. because those are calculated on the server. You’re correct that allies who are culled will remain culled until a “slot” opens up for them. That happens when the culled ally is closer to you than the currently shown ally for some small period of time.

The main difference between this and the current system is that the current system treats all characters the same while the new system has one limit for allies and another for enemies. In the new system enemies cannot impact which allies are shown and allies cannot impact which enemies are shown.


Players in your party are always reported to you and are never culled. Guilds are not favored in the current system.

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