Sunday, February 17, 2013
Guild Wars 2 - Dungeons: Robert Hrouda on upcoming changes
No more Rez Rushes! Teamwork above all else! To the point could be summed up as Robert Hroudas new post about the changes to the dungeon mechanics. The innovations introduced by the update has already been briefly discussed in an interview with ArenaNet developers - now says the Dungeon Master Builder how the future with the revival behaves:
The changes to the dungeons will be introduced at various stages that go on for several months.
Phase 1: Removal of the "Rez-Rushing": rather than immediately after the death porten a milestone, only to again participate in the fight may have to wait now until the whole group either died or withdrawn completely from the fight has. Of course, you can always be revived by party members in combat.
Phase 2: The extensive changes to the bosses and enemies will be made and the rewards for the players to be checked.
All the dungeons are now fail if there's what screwed it gambles hardly any more. Best example is Ascalon, you can run almost anywhere, but you can also fight their way, all in all a fairly simple dungeon, which may go with 2 or 3 chars lvl35 ziehmlich disgusting in the length.
Even there people prefer to take with LV80 chars, are even some who leaven the Grp when 2 lowlvl at it. Clear all be screwed down to 35, but the real difference between NEM and NEM lvl35 lvl80 gibts screwed down to lv35 ... I'd say, it's the knowledge that you get when you were often there.
But the twilight garden in my opinion but hoch10 a frustration factor. The worm / tendrils Boss plus the flower is some exaggeration, as you can dodge as you want, where you can really play perfectly perfect dodge with perfect caution drangehen, but one dies, ABOUT MY OPINION can be there no matter how good you are , can not get through without dying ... and then with Randoms in there is, but almost pointless because you dalässt more gold as it takes to get out. What must not be forgotten here, that's for what lvl? Believe 45 or 55 .. Superior I call all dungeons ... not if you just set a bunch of enemies with only a excessive power in any area that has to claim did nothing more to do ... money has to be right, I have to say with 5 people also have the chance to get through without dying, normal mobs, okay if I make errors such as: Never swerve, then I must be punished clear cause and bosses who may be exaggerated as I'm calm ... but this Bissell as degrees in almost every dungeon is going, sometimes even net and there's proof that I'm right:
FZ and Ascalon create the light dungeons, both are well attended and also with Randoms really loose. Aloles other disgusting what is with Randoms will also visit ... and you hardly know I'm right about that, no matter what you write now. Clear with guild everything better, but it is mandatory in every Guild Wars 2 gold game, which you can also moor with Randoms everything. And therein must start Anet net, thus prevent stupid Rezrushen, that is secondary, first come grpsuchfunktion for dungeons, then a reasonably controlled dungeons, which also corresponds with lvlbereich, a lvl 80 words should not matter then be whether 4 lowlvl there are as long as they have reached the potentially lvl (no is not on players, but on the severity of the dungeons) and the circuit can prevent rez rushes.
And yes is a Heulthread because for me is usually more pain as pleasure at or in the dungeon, so come with me UNFORTUNATELY only max 1 char in the grp that has no lvl 80th.
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And yes is a Heulthread because for me is usually more pain as pleasure at or in the dungeon, so come with me UNFORTUNATELY only max 1 char in the grp that has no lvl gw2 gold
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