Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guild Wars 2: A new PvP map

Guild Wars 2 continues its merry way and prepares the next update with a new card program against Players Players surprisingly hybrid.

As you know, Guild Wars 2 features several game types: adventure against the normal environment (PvE), control of territory during World vs. World, and several cards against Players Players (essentially capture points strategic).

A new map, the observatory spirits, is located in Norn territory and offers three capture points, as usual. "But you can also pick up a climb Orb and bring it to one of these three areas to score extra points. If you carry to an area that control your team, you earn more.

A mixture of original genre enough then, but in fact, it will be the Guild Wars 2 gold players to see if it works correctly. In the meantime, so watch a video presentation of the card!

1 comment:

  1. A new map, the observatory spirits, is located in Norn territory and offers three capture points, as usual. "But you can also pick up a climb Orb and bring it to one of these three areas to score extra points. If you carry to an area that control your team, you earn guild wars 2 gold
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