Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Flame & Frost Part 3 patch coming yesterday
Patch day is always an exciting thing in MMO titles, and Guild Wars two is no exception. This afternoon will be seeing the release of the 3rd chapter in the ongoing storyline of Flame & Frost, The Razing.
The dredge and Flame Legion are growing more powerful, establishing spy settlements in Norn & Charr territory, and it will be up to the Guild Wars 2 gold players to help root them out. Meanwhile, a young Norn named Braham, plus a Charr without a war band named Rox, will be tasked with separate missions that bring players into the heart of the conflict. The former story events will still be present as well, so players needing to get caught up will not must worry about that.
Of course, while the addition of story variables is more often than not a plus, the real meat of this patch has to do with the adjustments to World vs World. While last month brought some much necessary alterations to the PvE side of points, this month will see the same treatment being brought to the war mode of the game. Of certain importance is the removal of culling, which made enemies come up as invisible to GW2 gold players until their models were loaded correctly, causing unintended surprises (together with helping Thieves to be damn near unkillable with stealth). There will also be a new progression procedure, allowing players to unlock WvW certain titles to help them stand out and abilities that might help them survive in a siege.
Anticipate the patch to go live sometime after four pm PST, and anticipate WvW servers to be filled to the brim with players checking out the new adjustments.
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Friday, March 22, 2013
Should more professions be added in the future?
The new contents are added to Guild Wars 2 continuous. There are some players concerned about whether Arenanet should add more professions with future expansions or focus its resources on balancing and expanding the options of existing professions?
Players who have played the Guild Wars 2 know it is an entirely different Guild Wars 2 item game. because the way professions are set up in Guild Wars 2 is much simpler, and I think there are no multi classing, much lower amount of skills, much less freedom in which skills to bring, no clear roles etc. All of this would make the addition of new professions a lot different in Guild Wars 2 and probably easier.
Further more, there are arguments against my solution. From the perspective of Guild Wars 2 gold players, especially more casual players, more variation is more often than not a good thing. New professions are great because they feel fresh. A little less balance is a small sacrifice for the addition of new professions. Guild Wars 1's non-core professions still have a lot of fans. Then there is the argument from the developer's point of view, namely that adding new professions with an expansion probably increases the chance players will buy the expansion.
And what do you think?
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Video Games Have Develop into Obsessed With Bows And Arrows. Which Game's Bow Is Greatest?
If you've been playing big-budget action video games over the last couple of years, you've probably accepted one or two trends. The graphics have gotten better. The animations have turn into more lifelike. The explosions have gotten more explosive.
And, more lately, amid all those improvements, has come a trend that is even more earth-shattering & essential: video Guild Wars 2 gold games have discovered the bow and arrow.
Call it the "bowification" of video games. Far Cry three. Crysis 3. Assassin's Creed III. Tomb Raider. In just the past six months, we have had 4 high profile games include a bow and arrow as a primary weapon. In an stunning bit of reverse evolution, it seems video games have finally discovered the bow and arrow, decades after they discovered the assault rifle.
All this goes in tandem with pop culture's more general bow-obsession, with Katniss Everdeen using her archery chops to survive The Hunger Games and Brave's Merida besting each of her suitors in an archery contest, Robin Hood-style. Approach to be present, video games!
One or two notes: First of all, cossbows do not count. Sorry, Dishonored! I'm going to focus on 4 games that are pretty recent, as they represent the current height of video game bow-and-arrow design. So, I have left off GW2 gold games like Turok, Wii Sports Resort, & any of the Zelda games. I've also left off a couple games where the bows do not genuinely have a mechanical component to them — my bow & arrow in Guild Wars two operates pretty much like a gun; same thing with Diablo III or Torchlight II. I am including Skyrim, due to the fact that game is intriguing and its iteration on the Elder Scrolls' bow and arrow design is cool. If there are other video game bows you think are worthy of recognition, I hope you will mention them in the comments.
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
Guild Wars 2 team debate "all the time" whether the game has turned into too complex
While a lot of MMOs, like EVE Online, constantly strive to deepen and expand the complexity of their feature-set, building ever more intricately netting methods, ArenaNet are constantly worrying they've made their own game, Guild Wars two, too complex for the common Guild Wars 2 gold player.
Speaking to Forbes lead designer Isiah Cartwright mentioned "we are getting toward the tail end of the volume of techniques we feel that we can put in the game [...] 1 of the major goals of GW was to allow any individual to jump in & play. We have a team committed to making positive that it is easy, & we are going to continue to strengthen that process as much as we can."
The discussion came out from the amount of currencies Guild Wars 2 right now employs, and whether Isiah thought the Guild Wars 2 item game was becoming more tricky as a result, "It's a debate we have here all of the time, uniquely when it come to the volume of currencies which are around. It genuinely comes down to once you want to reward an individual for doing a distinct kind of gameplay. Because we've been adding lots of reward tactics, we've seen an improve in the number of currencies out there."
As a result of these new currencies, Cartwright explained he'd rather "slow down on the amount of systems that we are adding" & take the time to "polish up & clean up the ones that we have added" making them "easier to grasp" for new players. So the focus will be on elevating the UI & perhaps even "not unlock the ability to get to a lot of these currencies until you get later on in the game", so as not to overwhelm new players.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
New Town Clothing Hits the Gem Store in Guildwars 2
Arenanet has done a good work at pushing new content to GW2 gold players of the most up-to-date entry into their flagship MMO. The most recent additions are riding clothes & designer hoodies. The clothing doesn't have any stat value and are worn in town mode. The items added are:
Casual Hoodie (200 gems)
Designer hoodie (400 gems)
Leather Hoodie (200 gems)
Riding Boots (150 gems)
Riding Gloves (150 gems)
Riding Pants (200 gems)
All of this riding gear could make Guild Wars 2 gold players wonder if mounts are a possibility in the future. Interviews with Arenanet have not primarily addressed mounts, but some of the items in their gem story don't rule it out (i.e., a floating broom mount could be purchesed).
All of this gear is accessible NOW for purchase in the Guildwars 2 gem retail shop.
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Saturday, March 9, 2013
How Guild Wars 2 Plans to Survive
It's not the finest time to be making MMOs. Where at one time it felt like this genre was primed to take over the world, the last year has noticed many prominent titles which includes Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Secret World & TERA all ditch their subscription charges, while even GW2 gold games with astonishingly loyal fanbases like City of Heroes have had their plugs pulled due to less than stellar player numbers. It is understandable then that a number of men and women could be thinking the MMO genre is failing, & all who enter into it are doomed.
But not Colin Johanson. When I sat down with the game director of Guild Wars 2 to talk about the future of the zero cost-to-play MMO, he's speedy to assert that he reckons the genre has never been in a more robust position. After years of titles trying to copy World of Warcraft, finally some innovation is beginning to creep in; from Dust 514 to Destiny, features conventionally only located in MMOs are beginning to permeate the sector as a complete.
"I would say that the business definitely went through a period of about five or six years where it stagnated and it wasn't that healthy, though I think it continues to grow & is doing honestly well," Johanson explained. "Should you look at Bungie's upcoming release there are components of MMOs there. I think we're seeing more businesses start moving more & more towards integrating all these online elements, and it's already took place in the East. Just about all of the substantial games out there really are quite a few form of an MMO."
An business veteran of over 15 years who's worked on other MMOs including the original Guild Wars, Johanson admits that the decision to make an MMO shouldn't be taken lightly; failure comes at a high cost. "It takes some serious balls to jump into the MMO sector & go after it," he admits.
"You are fundamentally betting your company any time you choose that the thing you're going to make is an MMO. They take so lengthy to make, and they take so much income that either you are effective and you are going to do honestly well, or you are not and your company's toast. Should you have a genuinely big backer, perhaps you could survive that but it's a substantial risk."
The truth that such a gamble appears to have paid off not once although twice for ArenaNet isn't something to be sniffed at. Aside from managing to shift over 3 million copies in the six months since it launched, Johanson also informs me that Guild Wars two has bucked one of the primary MMO trends by seeing player numbers continue to rise all through what would more often than not be a post-launch slump. The six weeks following Christmas saw escalating numbers of individuals eager to explore the world of Tyria, making Guild Wars 2 1 of especially couple of MMOs to launch, settle into its core playerbase and then really start to grow once again (EVE Online would be maybe the only other prominent example of this unusual trend).
That isn't to share there haven't been difficulties though. From the moment the game launched ArenaNet had to restructure itself from a company focused on development to one centred around services. Johanson explains, "To transition 300 individuals from operating 1 way to all of a sudden turning into a service company a week later is challenging to do. It is something where we totally had growing pains for those first couple of months, understanding the way to do that and the way to make live content & the best way to be productive in that model."
1 of the most prominent of these growing pains was the Ascended Gear debacle. Before the game released, ArenaNet made a manifesto video (which you need to without doubt go look at, should you haven't already) setting out guidelines the company hoped to stay with when making and keeping the Guild Wars 2 gold game. 1 of these that players latched onto most fervently was the promise that there would be no "gear treadmill"; a prevalent feature in MMOs akin to a carrot on a stick, where increasingly powerful gear is routinely added for players to chase after, with new sets coming every few months. Guild Wars 2 players were pleased to study they'd be zero cost from this sense of obligation that other MMOs foster when it comes to acquiring the finest gear...till Ascended Gear was added in November.
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013
No Guild Wars 2 Expansions Right now Planned
No expansions for Guild Wars 2 are right now being made, though ArenaNet hasn't ruled out the possibility in future.
Speaking to IGN, game director Colin Johanson explained that the company was at the moment focused on enhancing the live experience of the game & did not want to be distracted.
"Expansions are unquestionably something that we'll potentially look at in the future," he explained. "We don't have a timetable on it. We are open to it, however I think our important focus as a studio is making the living world concept as strong as potentially can for the Guild Wars 2 gold players that we have got."
The original Guild Wars spawned three expansions packs, so it isn't unreasonable to assume that ArenaNet may be planning to investigate a similar route with Guild Wars two, just not right now.
But what about the possibility of one other entry in the MMO franchise? Could we 1 day see Guild Wars three?
Based on Johanson, it is unlikely. He explained, "We've got to have the ability to have teams that are practically increasing new, innovative features that adjust the way that you play our game & grow that experience so it most definitely feels like you do not leave Guild Wars 2 gold; Guild Wars two gets to be Guild Wars 2.5 or Guild Wars three & it continues to grow."
For the full interview with Colin Johanson where he talks about future plans for Guild Wars two, the state of the MMO genre and what the team have learned since launch, check back to IGN later this week.
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Sunday, March 3, 2013
Guild Influence in Guild Wars 2
Look at the game name, Guild Wars 2, it’s about wars among guilds, that means, we should pay more attention to the guild influence, which will affect your role in the guild and also your guild in the game as well. This time, we are going to talk about how to gain guild influence.
As we all know, what you and your guild participate in (while representing your guild) will bring you influence rewards, like attendance and participation; and also you could gain guild influence by using some consumable and coins. If you have enough Guild Wars 2 Gold, then you could gain much influence very efficiently.
Make sure of 20 members at least to log in every 24hrs to gain the based 200 influence so that you could join Guild Missions as soon as you have unlocked it.
+10 influence per logged in member, for the first 20 members.
+5 influence per logged in member, from 20 to 50 members.
+1 influence per logged in member, for each additional member after 50.
Encourage your guild members to participate in Events, Dungeons and PVP games that could bring you guild influence continuously.
+2 influence per member for solo completion.
+20 influence for a group of two or more members completing the event.
PvP Victories
+5 influence per member.
Dungeon Completion
+10 influence per member.
+100 influence for a group of three or more members completing the dungeon.
As I said before, if you have enough Guild Wars 2 Gold, then you could gain your guild influence very fast. At the early beginning, if you have bought Digital Deluxe or Collector’s Edition of the game, then you will rewarded the Tome of Influence that could bring you 1000 guild influence. Mostly alike the Tome of Influence, Letter of Commendation will bring you 400-1000 guild influence. Both the Tome of Influence and Letter of Commendation are not so recommended to rely on. As for coins, again, only if you have enough Guild Wars 2 gold, updating your guild by purchasing from the Guild Promoters.
+10 influence for 2 silver
+100 influence for 20 silver
+100 influence for 2 gold
+10,000 influence for 20 gold
And also, you could gain some Guild Discovery of small, medium or large that might bring you 50, 100 or 300 guild influence, however, considering the dropping rate and amount of the rewards of guild influence, better to skip this in order to save your gems and Black Lion Chests.
Click Here:*100-%C3%97-1-cheap-on-sale-at-gw2goldnet/458015.html
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