Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Flame & Frost Part 3 patch coming yesterday

Patch day is always an exciting thing in MMO titles, and Guild Wars two is no exception. This afternoon will be seeing the release of the 3rd chapter in the ongoing storyline of Flame & Frost, The Razing.

The dredge and Flame Legion are growing more powerful, establishing spy settlements in Norn & Charr territory, and it will be up to the Guild Wars 2 gold players to help root them out. Meanwhile, a young Norn named Braham, plus a Charr without a war band named Rox, will be tasked with separate missions that bring players into the heart of the conflict. The former story events will still be present as well, so players needing to get caught up will not must worry about that.

Of course, while the addition of story variables is more often than not a plus, the real meat of this patch has to do with the adjustments to World vs World. While last month brought some much necessary alterations to the PvE side of points, this month will see the same treatment being brought to the war mode of the game. Of certain importance is the removal of culling, which made enemies come up as invisible to GW2 gold players until their models were loaded correctly, causing unintended surprises (together with helping Thieves to be damn near unkillable with stealth). There will also be a new progression procedure, allowing players to unlock WvW certain titles to help them stand out and abilities that might help them survive in a siege.

Anticipate the patch to go live sometime after four pm PST, and anticipate WvW servers to be filled to the brim with players checking out the new adjustments.

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1 comment:

  1. The dredge and Flame Legion are growing more powerful, establishing spy settlements in Norn & Charr territory, and it will be up to the Guild Wars 2 gold players to help Darkfall Unholy Wars Gold root them out. Meanwhile, a young Norn named Braham, plus a Charr without a war band named Rox, will be tasked with separate missions that bring players into the heart of the conflict. The former story Darkfall Unholy Wars Gold events will still be present as well, so players needing to get caught up will not must worry about that.
