Thursday, April 11, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box King Toad Guide

I think lots of Guild Wars 2 gold players may be killed a few occasions in King Toad level when they start to explore Super Adventure Box. This piece contains a simple guide that's to use slingshot.

Before start this level, you will need to obtain slingshots in a gem retail shop within your right side and it will expense 225 baubles.

The above picture will crop up after you purchase slingshots & hit key '2', as long as you hit '2' once again, it will launch. When you are in front of the King, please stand inside the 2 red circles as in the following picture.

Now you can keep attacking the King & make him spill jewel XD.
Pick up a jewel, then return to red circles and wait.

When the king begins shaking head, you can throw the jewel into its mouth.
Keep beating the king four occasions when it is lifeless, then it will die.
In case you miss the goal, you must roll. It will deal awesome damage to you when you are beat by its tongue.

Hope you could get your skin soon.

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to win against any other class as a thief?

  When you playing as a thief, have you ever find that it is really difficult to win against other classes?

  As D/d costs are so much initiative,gw2 gold players are also wising up and are always moving; so many times it's hard to get CnD off. Plus the only snare skill in D/d setup is dancing dagger and for the initiative cost that thing is junk.

  Also lately you'll see so much condition and snare at play. It's hard to even catch up to the enemy player.

  Against area of denial build, the thief also does very poorly. You have to avoid them, or you die, but if you avoid them, then you aren't capping points.

  So this may leave you to pump all your points into strength and crit, but the build is not survivable at all. If you target the wrong guy, you're toast and have to wait a full minute for the skills to recharge, in the mean time you'd be at the mercy of other players.

  The other way is to play the bunker, but we have so few utilities for this except for stealth and they all got a really long cd. They're good enough to make sure you can disengage, but not good enough to actually get a kill.

  So how do you win at all? Or you just need to have a carrion mentality and feed off the weak and dying via a few well placed backstab?

  Some players suggest that the problem with 80% of thieves is that they are noobies and think they can just be 1-2shot every class in the game and no skill is required. This is why you see almost everyone play one in spvp and wvw.

  Or others may think that the best way to figure out the thief is to play a d/p thief. It has everything you need, if you want to play skillfully. Otherwise, when it comes to d/d thieves, it's all about landing your cnd and backstabs. You want to get good with d/d? Force yourself to not use Basilisk Venom. You'll start to see how critical it will be to land all of your cnd's and items. Btw, using your steal skill helps close the distance - try to avoid using heartseeker to close distance because initiative is valuable. The trick with dancing daggers is to be pre-emptive about it you want to hit them before they go "oh crap" and start getting distance from you. The biggest problem with d/d thieves is their lack of an interrupt built into their attack bar though - interrupts are money when you see your opponent healing.

  Maybe with some equipment, you may play skillfully and that will help you, if you are in need of Guild Wars 2 gold and other items, just let us know, we will try our best to serve you.

  So what do you have any good advice?

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Get Your New Video of Origin of GW2's Super Adventure Box

  Guild Wars 2 game has been vastly updated since release. The amount of additions and changes even to core systems has been very big. From guild content, engine fixes, new pve features and so on…

  ArenaNet has released a behind-the-scenes video about the most recent Guild Wars 2 content addition, the Super Adventure Box. For this video, Guild Wars 2 developers created Super Adventure Box out of a desire to see how creative we could be with jumping puzzles and a dream to pay homage to video games of the classic era. Here Josh Foreman talks about the inspiration behind Super Adventure Box, what games influenced it, and what kind of things you can do while playing it. Let's have a look:

  For more info about the game, we will share you later, keep focus on us, and you can buy more Guild Wars 2 gold here to have a good time.

Clicking Here:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Flame & Frost Part 3 patch coming yesterday

Patch day is always an exciting thing in MMO titles, and Guild Wars two is no exception. This afternoon will be seeing the release of the 3rd chapter in the ongoing storyline of Flame & Frost, The Razing.

The dredge and Flame Legion are growing more powerful, establishing spy settlements in Norn & Charr territory, and it will be up to the Guild Wars 2 gold players to help root them out. Meanwhile, a young Norn named Braham, plus a Charr without a war band named Rox, will be tasked with separate missions that bring players into the heart of the conflict. The former story events will still be present as well, so players needing to get caught up will not must worry about that.

Of course, while the addition of story variables is more often than not a plus, the real meat of this patch has to do with the adjustments to World vs World. While last month brought some much necessary alterations to the PvE side of points, this month will see the same treatment being brought to the war mode of the game. Of certain importance is the removal of culling, which made enemies come up as invisible to GW2 gold players until their models were loaded correctly, causing unintended surprises (together with helping Thieves to be damn near unkillable with stealth). There will also be a new progression procedure, allowing players to unlock WvW certain titles to help them stand out and abilities that might help them survive in a siege.

Anticipate the patch to go live sometime after four pm PST, and anticipate WvW servers to be filled to the brim with players checking out the new adjustments.

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Should more professions be added in the future?

The new contents are added to Guild Wars 2 continuous. There are some players concerned about whether Arenanet should add more professions with future expansions or focus its resources on balancing and expanding the options of existing professions?

Players who have played the Guild Wars 2 know it is an entirely different Guild Wars 2 item game. because the way professions are set up in Guild Wars 2 is much simpler, and I think there are no multi classing, much lower amount of skills, much less freedom in which skills to bring, no clear roles etc. All of this would make the addition of new professions a lot different in Guild Wars 2 and probably easier.

Further more, there are arguments against my solution. From the perspective of Guild Wars 2 gold players, especially more casual players, more variation is more often than not a good thing. New professions are great because they feel fresh. A little less balance is a small sacrifice for the addition of new professions. Guild Wars 1's non-core professions still have a lot of fans. Then there is the argument from the developer's point of view, namely that adding new professions with an expansion probably increases the chance players will buy the expansion.

And what do you think?

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Video Games Have Develop into Obsessed With Bows And Arrows. Which Game's Bow Is Greatest?

If you've been playing big-budget action video games over the last couple of years, you've probably accepted one or two trends. The graphics have gotten better. The animations have turn into more lifelike. The explosions have gotten more explosive.

And, more lately, amid all those improvements, has come a trend that is even more earth-shattering & essential: video Guild Wars 2 gold games have discovered the bow and arrow.

Call it the "bowification" of video games. Far Cry three. Crysis 3. Assassin's Creed III. Tomb Raider. In just the past six months, we have had 4 high profile games include a bow and arrow as a primary weapon. In an stunning bit of reverse evolution, it seems video games have finally discovered the bow and arrow, decades after they discovered the assault rifle.

All this goes in tandem with pop culture's more general bow-obsession, with Katniss Everdeen using her archery chops to survive The Hunger Games and Brave's Merida besting each of her suitors in an archery contest, Robin Hood-style. Approach to be present, video games!

One or two notes: First of all, cossbows do not count. Sorry, Dishonored! I'm going to focus on 4 games that are pretty recent, as they represent the current height of video game bow-and-arrow design. So, I have left off GW2 gold games like Turok, Wii Sports Resort, & any of the Zelda games. I've also left off a couple games where the bows do not genuinely have a mechanical component to them — my bow & arrow in Guild Wars two operates pretty much like a gun; same thing with Diablo III or Torchlight II. I am including Skyrim, due to the fact that game is intriguing and its iteration on the Elder Scrolls' bow and arrow design is cool. If there are other video game bows you think are worthy of recognition, I hope you will mention them in the comments.

Clicking Here:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Guild Wars 2 team debate "all the time" whether the game has turned into too complex

While a lot of MMOs, like EVE Online, constantly strive to deepen and expand the complexity of their feature-set, building ever more intricately netting methods, ArenaNet are constantly worrying they've made their own game, Guild Wars two, too complex for the common Guild Wars 2 gold player.

Speaking to Forbes lead designer Isiah Cartwright mentioned "we are getting toward the tail end of the volume of techniques we feel that we can put in the game [...] 1 of the major goals of GW was to allow any individual to jump in & play. We have a team committed to making positive that it is easy, & we are going to continue to strengthen that process as much as we can."

The discussion came out from the amount of currencies Guild Wars 2 right now employs, and whether Isiah thought the Guild Wars 2 item game was becoming more tricky as a result, "It's a debate we have here all of the time, uniquely when it come to the volume of currencies which are around. It genuinely comes down to once you want to reward an individual for doing a distinct kind of gameplay. Because we've been adding lots of reward tactics, we've seen an improve in the number of currencies out there."

As a result of these new currencies, Cartwright explained he'd rather "slow down on the amount of systems that we are adding" & take the time to "polish up & clean up the ones that we have added" making them "easier to grasp" for new players. So the focus will be on elevating the UI & perhaps even "not unlock the ability to get to a lot of these currencies until you get later on in the game", so as not to overwhelm new players.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Town Clothing Hits the Gem Store in Guildwars 2

Arenanet has done a good work at pushing new content to GW2 gold players of the most up-to-date entry into their flagship MMO. The most recent additions are riding clothes & designer hoodies. The clothing doesn't have any stat value and are worn in town mode. The items added are:

Casual Hoodie (200 gems)
Designer hoodie (400 gems)
Leather Hoodie (200 gems)
Riding Boots (150 gems)
Riding Gloves (150 gems)
Riding Pants (200 gems)

All of this riding gear could make Guild Wars 2 gold players wonder if mounts are a possibility in the future. Interviews with Arenanet have not primarily addressed mounts, but some of the items in their gem story don't rule it out (i.e., a floating broom mount could be purchesed).

All of this gear is accessible NOW for purchase in the Guildwars 2 gem retail shop.

Click Here:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

How Guild Wars 2 Plans to Survive

It's not the finest time to be making MMOs. Where at one time it felt like this genre was primed to take over the world, the last year has noticed many prominent titles which includes Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Secret World & TERA all ditch their subscription charges, while even GW2 gold games with astonishingly loyal fanbases like City of Heroes have had their plugs pulled due to less than stellar player numbers. It is understandable then that a number of men and women could be thinking the MMO genre is failing, & all who enter into it are doomed.

But not Colin Johanson. When I sat down with the game director of Guild Wars 2 to talk about the future of the zero cost-to-play MMO, he's speedy to assert that he reckons the genre has never been in a more robust position. After years of titles trying to copy World of Warcraft, finally some innovation is beginning to creep in; from Dust 514 to Destiny, features conventionally only located in MMOs are beginning to permeate the sector as a complete.

"I would say that the business definitely went through a period of about five or six years where it stagnated and it wasn't that healthy, though I think it continues to grow & is doing honestly well," Johanson explained. "Should you look at Bungie's upcoming release there are components of MMOs there. I think we're seeing more businesses start moving more & more towards integrating all these online elements, and it's already took place in the East. Just about all of the substantial games out there really are quite a few form of an MMO."

An business veteran of over 15 years who's worked on other MMOs including the original Guild Wars, Johanson admits that the decision to make an MMO shouldn't be taken lightly; failure comes at a high cost. "It takes some serious balls to jump into the MMO sector & go after it," he admits.

"You are fundamentally betting your company any time you choose that the thing you're going to make is an MMO. They take so lengthy to make, and they take so much income that either you are effective and you are going to do honestly well, or you are not and your company's toast. Should you have a genuinely big backer, perhaps you could survive that but it's a substantial risk."

The truth that such a gamble appears to have paid off not once although twice for ArenaNet isn't something to be sniffed at. Aside from managing to shift over 3 million copies in the six months since it launched, Johanson also informs me that Guild Wars two has bucked one of the primary MMO trends by seeing player numbers continue to rise all through what would more often than not be a post-launch slump. The six weeks following Christmas saw escalating numbers of individuals eager to explore the world of Tyria, making Guild Wars 2 1 of especially couple of MMOs to launch, settle into its core playerbase and then really start to grow once again (EVE Online would be maybe the only other prominent example of this unusual trend).

That isn't to share there haven't been difficulties though. From the moment the game launched ArenaNet had to restructure itself from a company focused on development to one centred around services. Johanson explains, "To transition 300 individuals from operating 1 way to all of a sudden turning into a service company a week later is challenging to do. It is something where we totally had growing pains for those first couple of months, understanding the way to do that and the way to make live content & the best way to be productive in that model."

1 of the most prominent of these growing pains was the Ascended Gear debacle. Before the game released, ArenaNet made a manifesto video (which you need to without doubt go look at, should you haven't already) setting out guidelines the company hoped to stay with when making and keeping the Guild Wars 2 gold game. 1 of these that players latched onto most fervently was the promise that there would be no "gear treadmill"; a prevalent feature in MMOs akin to a carrot on a stick, where increasingly powerful gear is routinely added for players to chase after, with new sets coming every few months. Guild Wars 2 players were pleased to study they'd be zero cost from this sense of obligation that other MMOs foster when it comes to acquiring the finest gear...till Ascended Gear was added in November.

Useful link:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

No Guild Wars 2 Expansions Right now Planned

No expansions for Guild Wars 2 are right now being made, though ArenaNet hasn't ruled out the possibility in future.

Speaking to IGN, game director Colin Johanson explained that the company was at the moment focused on enhancing the live experience of the game & did not want to be distracted.

"Expansions are unquestionably something that we'll potentially look at in the future," he explained. "We don't have a timetable on it. We are open to it, however I think our important focus as a studio is making the living world concept as strong as potentially can for the Guild Wars 2 gold players that we have got."

The original Guild Wars spawned three expansions packs, so it isn't unreasonable to assume that ArenaNet may be planning to investigate a similar route with Guild Wars two, just not right now.

But what about the possibility of one other entry in the MMO franchise? Could we 1 day see Guild Wars three?

Based on Johanson, it is unlikely. He explained, "We've got to have the ability to have teams that are practically increasing new, innovative features that adjust the way that you play our game & grow that experience so it most definitely feels like you do not leave Guild Wars 2 gold; Guild Wars two gets to be Guild Wars 2.5 or Guild Wars three & it continues to grow."

For the full interview with Colin Johanson where he talks about future plans for Guild Wars two, the state of the MMO genre and what the team have learned since launch, check back to IGN later this week.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Guild Influence in Guild Wars 2

Look at the game name, Guild Wars 2, it’s about wars among guilds, that means, we should pay more attention to the guild influence, which will affect your role in the guild and also your guild in the game as well. This time, we are going to talk about how to gain guild influence.

As we all know, what you and your guild participate in (while representing your guild) will bring you influence rewards, like attendance and participation; and also you could gain guild influence by using some consumable and coins. If you have enough Guild Wars 2 Gold, then you could gain much influence very efficiently.


Make sure of 20 members at least to log in every 24hrs to gain the based 200 influence so that you could join Guild Missions as soon as you have unlocked it.

+10 influence per logged in member, for the first 20 members.

+5 influence per logged in member, from 20 to 50 members.

+1 influence per logged in member, for each additional member after 50.


Encourage your guild members to participate in Events, Dungeons and PVP games that could bring you guild influence continuously.


+2 influence per member for solo completion.

+20 influence for a group of two or more members completing the event.

PvP Victories

+5 influence per member.

Dungeon Completion

+10 influence per member.

+100 influence for a group of three or more members completing the dungeon.

As I said before, if you have enough Guild Wars 2 Gold, then you could gain your guild influence very fast. At the early beginning, if you have bought Digital Deluxe or Collector’s Edition of the game, then you will rewarded the Tome of Influence that could bring you 1000 guild influence. Mostly alike the Tome of Influence, Letter of Commendation will bring you 400-1000 guild influence. Both the Tome of Influence and Letter of Commendation are not so recommended to rely on. As for coins, again, only if you have enough Guild Wars 2 gold, updating your guild by purchasing from the Guild Promoters.

+10 influence for 2 silver

+100 influence for 20 silver

+100 influence for 2 gold

+10,000 influence for 20 gold

And also, you could gain some Guild Discovery of small, medium or large that might bring you 50, 100 or 300 guild influence, however, considering the dropping rate and amount of the rewards of guild influence, better to skip this in order to save your gems and Black Lion Chests.

Click Here:*100-%C3%97-1-cheap-on-sale-at-gw2goldnet/458015.html

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

'Guild Wars 2' interview: ArenaNet on the future of Tyria

Guild Wars 2 has verified nothing brief of a revelation in the hugely-multiplayer online (MMO) game sector, luring scores of newcomers to the genre with its obtainable take on the topic matter.

6 months down the line, the title has sold more than 3 million copies - making it the 1st game of its kind to reach the milestone in this space of time - but developer ArenaNet is refusing to rest of its laurels.

Digital Spy caught up with lead developer Colin Johanson to find out what the world of Tyria has in shops for players in 2013 & beyond.

Like most MMOs, Guild Wars 2 was addled by server difficulties at launch. Is this something you were completely able for?

"In case you look at the MMO launches of the last five or six years, I think that we have had one of the smoothest by far. We definitely were prepared for the fact that we would have difficulties, for the reason that you could never replicate what can take place when millions of people hit your servers at once. As much as you attempt to recreate that in beta, it is never quite the same.

"We had a considerable amount of those that slept up ready for launch so they were able to work very, extremely long hours when we were up & running to ensure that stuff got fixed as speedily as probable. Looking back on it, we had several issues like any individual else who has ever released an MMO, although we addressed them really well, & I was genuinely proud of the team for how speedily they managed to fix stuff."

The game went on to be a phenomenal success from there, with more than 3 million copies sold. How does this figure compare to what you forecast?
"It is well above what we forecasted. I think 'humbled' is the finest word I can give to describe where we are at right now. We're blown away by the fan response and genuinely excited about it. We are told that it is the 1st MMO to get to 3 million copies sold so speedily, so that's genuinely thrilling for us. I think that speaks volumes about where the Guild Wars 2 gold game is at & where we can take it in the future.

"We're just honestly excited to be at that point, however will keep building from here. We're not content to just say, 'We've sold a whole lot of copies, we have done our job'. Instead, we're honestly busting our butts to make the game better & better every month."

How did launch sales compare to those of the original Guild Wars?
"I don't have the exact numbers so I couldn't say for confident, but I would guess that it's quite possibly sold at least three-to-4 times faster than the 1st Guild Wars. As I do not have the figures I can't be certain, yet I can most certainly say it sold a heck of a lot faster than the original, & we are thrilled to see the second game do this much better."

Roughly what percentage of your fanbase are newcomers to the series?
"I can honestly say that we have noticed a ton of new fans. We've observed a considerable amount of those who are just fans of role-playing games and this is the 1st MMO they have played. I think that that's genuinely compelling. I think we have developed a world that people that love RPGs can readily enter into & it takes place to have other players in it who can help them along the way & make it more exciting.

"Plenty of the elements that make MMOs not appealing to fans have been removed from Guild Wars 2. You are never running around in the world and an additional player can run up and kill you or something. We've removed all of those variables, so other players only assist you and make the Guild Wars 2 gold game more fun. That is made the game a lot more compelling & easy for people that love role-playing experiences to enter into."

What has been the biggest challenge since the game has gone live?
"I think the biggest challenge is that we've transitioned from a company launching a game to a company supporting a game, & that means we're going from a production company to a service company, & you operate exceptionally differently when you are providing a service.

"Players are constantly demanding new content and new experiences, and everyone desires to see the game grow and blossom to something evening larger than what it began as. We've plenty of pressure to live up to. There is definitely a sense of having to make the game better every month and adding new content to it, and genuinely growing the world.

"Some of the pressure is self-imposed, although I think that's the biggest challenge - living up to the expectations of what this game can be, not just at launch, yet 6 months, a year, 2 years later, where it feels like it is that much bigger of a world. It launched as one game, but it turned into two or 3 games all living in one world that you can experience. That is our hope down the road."

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Guild Wars 2 :Dropped rate will be adjusted soon in next update!

According to the report of the problem about rewards,some updates should be made for it soon.

As it was mentioned before that there isn't any problem on the list of dropping items,still,many players fed back with the same issue: You might have killed a monster to death (Rare ones) and gained Exp and karma or any others but no spoils of war.

And all these bugs will be improved in next update for sure to make all the Guild Wars 2 gold players gain their spoils of war;it was said that any rare monster (elite monsters) will drop at least 1 Blue item as killing rewards and also all the copper ring blames will get higher dropping rate than normal mosters'.

Notice: All players might not gain the spoils of war as they don't match the needs (however,it's the only case),and also,copper ring blames is going to have high dropping rate than normal monsters',it doesn't mean 100% drops.More details will come out soon,please focus on us!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Guild Wars 2 - Dungeons: Robert Hrouda on upcoming changes

No more Rez Rushes! Teamwork above all else! To the point could be summed up as Robert Hroudas new post about the changes to the dungeon mechanics. The innovations introduced by the update has already been briefly discussed in an interview with ArenaNet developers - now says the Dungeon Master Builder how the future with the revival behaves:

The changes to the dungeons will be introduced at various stages that go on for several months.

Phase 1: Removal of the "Rez-Rushing": rather than immediately after the death porten a milestone, only to again participate in the fight may have to wait now until the whole group either died or withdrawn completely from the fight has. Of course, you can always be revived by party members in combat.

Phase 2: The extensive changes to the bosses and enemies will be made and the rewards for the players to be checked.

All the dungeons are now fail if there's what screwed it gambles hardly any more. Best example is Ascalon, you can run almost anywhere, but you can also fight their way, all in all a fairly simple dungeon, which may go with 2 or 3 chars lvl35 ziehmlich disgusting in the length.

Even there people prefer to take with LV80 chars, are even some who leaven the Grp when 2 lowlvl at it. Clear all be screwed down to 35, but the real difference between NEM and NEM lvl35 lvl80 gibts screwed down to lv35 ... I'd say, it's the knowledge that you get when you were often there.

But the twilight garden in my opinion but hoch10 a frustration factor. The worm / tendrils Boss plus the flower is some exaggeration, as you can dodge as you want, where you can really play perfectly perfect dodge with perfect caution drangehen, but one dies, ABOUT MY OPINION can be there no matter how good you are , can not get through without dying ... and then with Randoms in there is, but almost pointless because you dalässt more gold as it takes to get out. What must not be forgotten here, that's for what lvl? Believe 45 or 55 .. Superior I call all dungeons ... not if you just set a bunch of enemies with only a excessive power in any area that has to claim did nothing more to do ... money has to be right, I have to say with 5 people also have the chance to get through without dying, normal mobs, okay if I make errors such as: Never swerve, then I must be punished clear cause and bosses who may be exaggerated as I'm calm ... but this Bissell as degrees in almost every dungeon is going, sometimes even net and there's proof that I'm right:

FZ and Ascalon create the light dungeons, both are well attended and also with Randoms really loose. Aloles other disgusting what is with Randoms will also visit ... and you hardly know I'm right about that, no matter what you write now. Clear with guild everything better, but it is mandatory in every Guild Wars 2 gold game, which you can also moor with Randoms everything. And therein must start Anet net, thus prevent stupid Rezrushen, that is secondary, first come grpsuchfunktion for dungeons, then a reasonably controlled dungeons, which also corresponds with lvlbereich, a lvl 80 words should not matter then be whether 4 lowlvl there are as long as they have reached the potentially lvl (no is not on players, but on the severity of the dungeons) and the circuit can prevent rez rushes.

And yes is a Heulthread because for me is usually more pain as pleasure at or in the dungeon, so come with me UNFORTUNATELY only max 1 char in the grp that has no lvl 80th.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guild Wars 2: A new PvP map

Guild Wars 2 continues its merry way and prepares the next update with a new card program against Players Players surprisingly hybrid.

As you know, Guild Wars 2 features several game types: adventure against the normal environment (PvE), control of territory during World vs. World, and several cards against Players Players (essentially capture points strategic).

A new map, the observatory spirits, is located in Norn territory and offers three capture points, as usual. "But you can also pick up a climb Orb and bring it to one of these three areas to score extra points. If you carry to an area that control your team, you earn more.

A mixture of original genre enough then, but in fact, it will be the Guild Wars 2 gold players to see if it works correctly. In the meantime, so watch a video presentation of the card!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Guild Wars 2 in 2013: Arenanet reveal WvW particular abilities, living stories

Guild Wars 2's game director, Colin Johanson, is an incredibly glad bunny. "Factors are excellent right now," he says, laughing. "We are having fun."

The reason factors are remarkable? Guild Wars two is a success: intrinsically, commercially and now, qualitatively.
The game's reached 3 million sales: a important & crucial milestone. As importantly, players are nonetheless playing & enjoying the gw2 gold game. Player concurrency numbers, the degree of people playing the game at any one time, have actually been primarily rising for the past 5 weeks. & now, speaking from ArenaNet's offices in Bellevue, near Seattle, Colin's outlining the plans the team have for the game in 2013. That includes: new skill-sets for players in Guild Wars 2's World vs World, ambitious plans to tell a year lengthy story, and help for players to enter Guild Wars 2's unstructured, then again liberating end-game.

What is more: the objective for now, Colin explains, isn't necessarily captivating new players. It is about looking after the players they already have.

First, a brief lesson in MMO-economics. Every MMO developer lives & breathes their concurrency curve. In the lifecycle of an MMO, you tend to see an early spike, where fresh faced players log in for the 1st time. That spike inevitably drops following launch: to a concurrency base. What takes place next determines the future of the game. "For games that are not doing well, that core base over time slowly drops. A whole lot of them respond by going zero cost-to-play, which causes them to spike back up & hit a brand new concurrency base."

There are a few games that have managed to grow their concurrency base in the period following launch. World of Warcraft. Eve Online. And now Guild Wars 2.

"We hit our flat concurrency numbers back in November, and we have constantly grown every single week for the past five weeks," says Colin. "Our core concurrency base that we hit back in November was really thrilling - nevertheless to see that number going up is often, genuinely exciting. especially since a whole lot of the pieces that will make the game more thrilling are coming in January, February and March."

The biggest & most ambitious of those pieces is their commitment to a brand new form of storytelling. Over the subsequent 12 months, Guild Wars 2 will usually drop new episodes of story content all through the game world.

The very first beats of those episodes were deployed in the recent Flame and Frost update, with refugees fleeing the Shiverpeak mountains, arriving in Hoelbrak plus the Black Citadel. Colin will not say what is brewing; but he will say how it will brew.

The plan is to create a number of arcs, with content appearing in dungeons and the open world. ArenaNet will generate new sections to explore & new events inside existing sectors. Some of those events will be permanently obtainable to players. Others will disappear from the game as they are completed. "If you do not see it in that period of time, you are not going to experience it," says Colin. "They might play out in dungeons, they may play out in the open world, it's really a matter where each storyline best fits."

It will feel, says Colin, "practically like a pen & paper RPG, where you are on this lengthy adventure," yet playing out in a persistent MMO world.

The aim: to keep players logging in, week in, week out. Or day in, day out.

But there's a roadbump in that process: Guild Wars 2's endgame.

1 challenge every high-end player faces as they reach Guild Wars 2's level cap is "what now." What do I do to occupy my time now I have stopped levelling. There is a lot to do: PvP, more questing, crafting, & aiming for 100% completion. But Johanson acknowledges that it is poorly signposted - that players struggle to comprehend what they could, or ought to, be doing. That is altering.

"1 of the factors we attempted to do in Guild Wars 2 is make it a game where you can play the game the way you need to play it," explains Colin. "We've left it extremely open ended. For the explorer types that is something that is particularly up their alley. For players who want more guidance or direction - who want to be shown: these are your solutions, now pick 1 - I don't think the procedure we have does a awesome work of showing them what to do within our game. That's absolutely one of the things we plan to address this year."

The endgame focus highlights the kind of nuts & bolts background improvements MMOs need to remain competitive. There is tech work going on, too. Following oversubscribed preceding events, in which player numbers battered the Guild Wars 2 servers, the team are working on technology that need to improve crowded scenes. Culling tech developed for Guild Wars 2's World vs World - that allows the game to intelligently remove players from your view to sustain frame & response rates - will be applied to the open world, prioritising creatures that are attacking you over other players. "Right now, we are at the point where you could see giant battles with 50 to 100 men and women or so. We'd like to get to the point where you could see hundreds of individuals on display."

And with the culling tech comes a reason to fight in World vs World, Guild Wars 2's ambitious open world competition. At the moment, players who want to fight in PvP landscapes do it for insignificant bonuses to health & crafting. There's no private reason to fight. That's a issue that Arenanet intend to address.

"There demands to be more powerful incentives for folks to play world versus world," says Colin. There are 2 methods in the works. The 1st is a private progression system that will unlock new abilities for Guild Wars 2 gold players the more they play World versus World. Those abilities, says Colin, "make your character more beneficial, yet they do not make your character fundamentally more potent. They won't grow your strength or harm output. They just make you more functional."

The 2nd reason: Arenanet need to enhance the server rewards for fighting beyond a weekly win scenario. It will take the form of a new process "that supplies reasons for your world to be fighting at any given time, instead of across the week," explains Colin. "You may be on day six, & you're losing the week, yet we've got to give a reason for you to hold the region, even for an hour."

Guild Wars two success is heartwarming. It's an MMO without a subscription fee; and without an associated gratis-to-play gouging. Its success indicates it can get better; and if it gets better, it could get more prosperous. The Guild Wars 2 team aren't chasing growth for growth's sake; their first priority is to keep their existing players pleased.

"Our focus is: how do we make it so the core group of players have the greatest achievable experience they can. If we continue to deliver on that, that core group will be more excited, they'll play more normally, & perhaps some of those that took a break will come back."

That sounds like an invitation.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

ArenaNet's Greatest Strength, & how it's Grow to be their Greatest Weakness

Over the past week we have seen ArenaNet make a important push to engage the community and lay out their plans for 2013. After a wintersday update that included (virtually) no permanent content, it's nice to see what they plan to add to the game lengthy term. Here's the challenge although, regardless of one or two confirmed alterations coming in the January update, it appears like most of the fantastic stuff is not hitting till February at the earliest, maybe even further. ArenaNet wooed it is fanbase into a chant of "when it is ready" before the launch of the game, however convincing them to wait months for uncomplicated features once the Guild Wars 2 gold game is out has proved a slightly harder trick to pull.

I want to be extraordinaryly clear in my intentions here. I think the roadmap laid out by ArenaNet is stupendous. I even mentioned so myself when they first started discussing it a number of days ago. The issue for me has been the complete avoidance of specifics. I respect the reality that in the event you just do not know, you just don't know. I also respect & understand how difficult a path it is to navigate in the public sphere when discussing future plans. And should you dig around for a lot of my world wide web personas before I began writing for GuildWars 2 Hub, you will find I'm a pretty staunch defender of ArenaNet & what they're doing.

So what is altered? I've been a paying client since 15 minutes after they opened the presale doors. I waited months from investing real income on the game just to get a taste of a beta weekend. Why need to I be upset that now that the game is out and I get to get pleasure from it, minus a number of features that are nonetheless a couple months away? The concern isn't in the waiting, it's in the delivery.

Before the launch of the game, it was perfectly valid for them to convey, "We don't know when the game will be coming out, so we can't tell you when all of this will be done."" Although ArenaNet set the clock for themselves after launch when they began down this monthly update cycle. The issue with this seems clear in hindsight, so permit me to Monday morning quarterback for a bit.

ArenaNet had the luxury of 6 years of soft deadlines. I'm not naive enough to think they did not have internal deadlines & goals for the production of the game. Nevertheless decided by their handling of the development & betas it appears abundantly clear that while there were ambitions, they did not have challenging deadlines. I think if the gw2 gold game had not been ready to ship on August 28th, it would not have. It was for that reason I put so much faith into ArenaNet to commence with. It was for that reason I was willing to put down income for a collector's edition before I ever even played the game. It was since I believed that if something wasn't right with the game, it wouldn't ship.

This reassurance by ArenaNet that if something wasn't outstanding adequate for them, it wasn't great sufficient for the game, was (& is) the right factor ArenaNet had to offer. It was the unofficial badge of quality to everything that they did. What has happened since launch is what has appeared to be constant fudging of that code of standards to appease a fanbase that from my perspective seemed fairly pleased. The 2 most glaring occurrences are horses that I have already beaten dead, but they're worth mentioning for the reason that I do not think they are the trigger of my recent frustration, but the symptoms of a deeper difficulty.

Monday, January 21, 2013

How to fix the problem of not being able to do low-mid level zones

Its easy. And I suggested this before GW2 was released because I already knew what was going to happen from past MMO experiences. I got a lot of hate for it. Turns out, I was right and it would have solved the problem.

Low level and mid level zones being absolutely dead, and everyone being at the high end of the game.

Guild Wars 1 had this problem too once you got out of the starter area.
HOWEVER...GW1 let you hire henchman and companions. This let you still experience the storyline and do dungeons, that you couldn't find a group at all (rarely) to do.

Why did they remove henchman and companions? It would have solved the problem of people not being able to do their PERSONAL story. It would also have solved the problem of people having to skip entire content because there is no one around to help them do the dynamic events or anything.

GW1 did it, and it worked really well. If I couldn't find a group, I would get henchman and I could still progress through the Guild Wars 2 gold game. Easy fix.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Aliens: Colonial Marines has gone gold in preparation for Feb. 12th

Yes, it is accurate. The upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines from Gearbox Program has gone gold & is getting ready to get stamped onto plastic discs to be sold for public consumption in a matter of weeks. Aliens: Colonial Marines is set to launch on February 12th on the Xbox 360, PS3, and Personal computer & will be available for $59.99.

There is nonetheless time to get a preorder in for the Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition as well, which at $99.99 comes with many bonus multiplayer content, a USCM Dossier with a lot of miscellaneous goodies, and oh yeah, a mothereffing POWERLOADER FIGURINE, all packaged in a Xeno Hive box.

So yeah, if you have been undecided on dropping that additional $40 for the Collector's Edition, now is the time to make up your mind! You've got less than a month before release! Maybe I'll see you online, you understand, if I'm not too busy posing my Powerloader on a shelf subsequent to my Guild Wars 2 gold statue or a Harvest Moon plushie.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Updates for January and February: the equivalent of an extension

ArenaNet studio aims to launch a major update every month. Those of January and February will be "giant", particularly focused on PvP as well as a large extension.

One of the traditional arguments MMO operators pay to justify the payment of a monthly fee based on the developer's ability to provide regular (often monthly) updates of scale. Some keep their promises better than others, and the ArenaNet studio displays the same ambitions - even when Guild Wars 2 is playable without a subscription.

This is what Colin Johanson confirms Gamingbolt while briefly outlining future updates MMORPG.

"[...] Our main focus of attention now, like most studios, based on the live update [the regular updates of the game]. Our main goal, what we really want to do and nobody else has succeeded so far in an MMO is that enrich the gw2 gold game each month to update and implement a giant huge launch every time that really gives the feeling that the player could legitimately pay the monthly fee for such content and every four or five months, they get the equivalent of an extension in terms of content when they connect to our game .

We have added a huge update in October around Halloween, we just integrate one in November, we have a huge update for Christmas. Everything is going really well, and I think in December, players will be really excited. But updates in January and February are actually larger today. They are even more impressive than anything we have proposed in October, November and December. And I think that when the players see what they can access for free in January and February, they will be truly amazed. The content of these two months is almost an extension of their own. '

We know teams ArenaNet very quick to get excited (sometimes at the risk of overselling its updates and generate disappointment among the players) and we therefore expect to judge by the time comes. However, when asked about the sources of inspiration for the studio in the realization of Guild Wars 2, the game director makes widely tribute to Dark Age of Camelot, particularly in the context of the design clashes "World against World" GW2 and accurate in the wake of the SPVP will be a fermatas updates from the studio in February.

"Our World PvP against World is largely inspired by the system of the old kingdom against kingdom Dark Age of Camelot. Number of employees here have long enjoyed Dark Age of Camelot, and RvR was an incredible game. And the system based on three different fronts clashing constantly, these power struggles in large PvP areas, has been a great source of inspiration for us. We used it for Guild Wars 2 and try to adapt it to do something unique and specific to Guild Wars.

In Indeed, in February, we will have a series of updates on World against World areas, to make the experience more unique Guild Wars. But it is something we found inspiration in a previous gw2 gold game, but we try to sublimate it into something bigger. '

We do not know what it is, but Colin Johanson said later one of the challenges of an MMO PvP zones: during internal testing during the development of Guild Wars 2, players were invited to test the PvP zones Thurs .. but none understands exactly what to do in these areas open without NPC guide (they clearly did not instinctively go freely explore the area at random to make discoveries). According to the developer, in recent years, players "have lost the sense of direction" in MMOs and it is now their developers learn to cultivate a taste for discovery and sense of curiosity. One of the objectives of updates to January and February? Maybe.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Guild Wars 2: Special Offer for Black Friday

The developers of Guild Wars 2 offer in celebration of Black Friday in the Digital Deluxe Edition of their online role-playing game for the price of the standard version. The offer starts tonight at 19 clock. In addition, players can expect from Guild Wars 2 discounts of up to 70 percent in the gem shop the Black Lion-trading company.

The developers of ArenaNet Celebrate Black Friday with special offers for their online RPG Guild Wars 2 As the makers have announced in a press release today from 19 clock, the Digital Deluxe Edition for three days for the price of the digital standard edition will be available. Who plays with the idea of Guild Wars 2 can enter, so the price of the regular version still dusting additional gw2 gold game goodies. The offer is valid until 26 November 2012 by 21 clock.

Even in the gem shop the Black Lion-trading company in Guild Wars 2 you can expect over the weekend a number of special deals on popular items. Given every day for three other items with a discount of 70 percent are offered. Black Friday is in the U.S. the day after Thanksgiving and is traditionally considered the beginning of the Christmas season, the number of traders herald of special offers. To purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition you get on the official website of the online role-playing Guild Wars 2 gold game. For more news and information about Guild Wars 2, check out our topics page.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wintersday Calendar

It is no secret the Guild Wars 2 community has some unbelievable talent flowing through its veins, and with the break season in full swing it's the perfect time to show off completed Wintersday advent calendar. Each day features a Wintersday themed piece of art submitted directly from users inside the community here on Guru and on GWOnline. After you have checked out the calendar, make sure to head over to original thread in the Library of Whispers to let everyone know which one is your preferred!

Who knows? We could be seeing this again subsequent year.

Pleased Holidays and Merry Christmas, everybody!

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